On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 7:32 AM John Maddock via Boost
I've managed to get various architectures tested in qemu-emulation in this PR: https://github.com/boostorg/config/pull/366, with help from https://github.com/uraimo/run-on-arch-action
However, for armv7 alone I see:
/home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/build/type.jam:158: in type.validate from module type
error: Unknown target type EXE (builtin):-1: in sequence.transform from module sequence /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/build/generators.jam:239:
in generator.__init__ from module object(installed-exe-generator)@4 /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/tools/stage.jam:568: in class@installed-exe-generator.__init__ from module object(installed-exe-generator)@4 /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/kernel/class.jam:90: in new from module class /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/tools/stage.jam:596: in load from module stage /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/kernel/modules.jam:295:
in import from module modules /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/tools/builtin.jam:27: in load from module builtin /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/kernel/modules.jam:295:
in import from module modules /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/build-system.jam:12: in load from module build-system /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/kernel/modules.jam:295:
in import from module modules /home/runner/work/config/boost-root/tools/build/src/kernel/bootstrap.jam:139:
in boost-build from module
/home/runner/work/config/boost-root/boost-build.jam:17: in module scope from module
This is while running ./b2 headers.
The initialization/setup code is the same for each architecture as they're run in a GHA matrix so I don't think I've goofed in the CI script.
Anyone any ideas what might cause this?
It's theoretically possible that it's running into a bug in the engine on the code gen side. But otherwise no immediate idea what could be going on. -- -- René Ferdinand Rivera Morell -- Don't Assume Anything -- No Supone Nada -- Robot Dreams - http://robot-dreams.net