On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Alexander Arhipenko
I've added implementation of rotating file collector - the patch against boost log trunk attached. This is not the final version, I'm going at least to finish most of the TODOs.
However, it would be nice to receive feedback and questions from library author as well as from people interested in this feature.
Andrey, could you please find several minutes to review the attached patch?
Thanks for the patch. I didn't look deeply into it yet but from the first glance it looks like you changed the existing file collector rather than introduce an alternative one. Am I right? If so, could this be made as a pure addition rather than modification? I would prefer to keep the current behavior also available for the users. Also, I would like to discuss following question with you :
rotate_file invocation in ~text_file_backend - I would prefer to have this call during text_file_backend construction phase.
I'll have to take a closer look later to answer that but it seems odd to have to rotate something when nothing have been written yet. The rotate_file call is intended to place the written file to the storage governed by the collector, and at construction this file hasn't been created yet. Could you describe why you need this?