Le 28/03/2017 à 08:44, Vicente J. Botet Escriba a écrit :
Le 28/03/2017 à 06:38, Louis Dionne via Boost a écrit :
Dear Boost community,
The formal review of Barrett Adair's CallableTraits library starts Monday, April 3rd and ends on April 12th.
CallableTraits is a C++11 library for the inspection, synthesis, and decomposition of callable types. CallableTraits aims to be the "complete type manipulation facility for function types" mentioned in the final paragraph of C++17 proposal P0172, and removes the need for template specializations for different function signatures.
You can find the documentation of the library here:
and the GitHub repository here:
I've just take a look and I was missing some additional motivation, some cases comparing with Boost.FunctionTypes and practical examples as http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/function_types/example/interpreter...
Thanks Barrett for working on this,
And thanks Louis to be the review manager, Vicente