El 28/12/2014 a las 19:42, Pete Bartlett escribió:
I'm sure Antony meant to change the implementation to match the ideas in Ion's code, not use >the test implementation he showed.
But isn't the whole idea to depend on Boost.Move so that swap can benefit from move emulation? As Peter said, a new Boost.Swap could depend on Move, but Core should not.
The part used by adl_move_swap is about Level 2 (because it depends on BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT). Without BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT it would be Level 0. Boost.Move is Level 4 because some header depends on TypeTraits. Obviously the dependency report can't show this. Is the dependency report based on master or develop branch? I can't see any mention to this. It would be nice if the report could show this in the last "Generated on ...." line. Thanks Ion