On Mon, 18 May 2015 11:37:00 +0200, Michael Ainsworth
Two primary purposes, two ideas for additional possible uses.
Primary purposes:
1. To provide cross platform (e.g., POSIX plus Windows) equivalents of setenv, getenv, "unsetenv" and "issetenv". 2. To allow iteration over all defined environment variables.
Additional possible uses:
1. To create a new environment to pass to a new process. 2. To provide non "char" based environment variables (e.g., std::wstring).
All input appreciated.
There is a so-called environment iterator in Boost.ProgramOptions (see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_58_0/doc/html/boost/environment_iterator.htm...). And the library that should have become Boost.Process has support for passing environment variables to a new process (including std::wstring; see http://www.highscore.de/boost/process0.5/boost_process/tutorial.html#boost_p...). Boris