Joel, Joel de Guzman wrote
Benchmarks are a black art. See how we do our performance tests in Spirit: You can use our benchmark facility where all the black art is contained: ... Joel de Guzman
Thank you for the pointers. I've 1) #included "qi/int_parser.cpp"; 2) made spirit_new_test from spirit_int_test; 3) added boost::convert()-based test; 4) compiled with gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2 with "g++ -O2 -std=c++11 ..." 5) got the following results: atoi_test: 2.2135431510 [s] {checksum: 730759d} strtol_test: 2.1688206260 [s] {checksum: 730759d} spirit_int_test: 0.5207926250 [s] {checksum: 730759d} spirit_new_test: 0.5803735980 [s] {checksum: 730759d} cnv_test: 0.6161884860 [s] {checksum: 730759d} struct spirit_new_test : test::base { static int parse(std::string const& str) { std::string::const_iterator beg = str.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = str.end(); int n; if (boost::spirit::qi::parse(beg, end, boost::spirit::qi::int_, n)) if (beg == end) return n; return (BOOST_ASSERT(0), 0); } void benchmark() { for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) this->val += parse(numbers[i]); } }; struct cnv_test : test::base { void benchmark() { for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) this->val += boost::convert<int>(numbers[i], boost::cnv::spirit()).value(); } }; 1. The changes in spirit_new_test compared to the original spirit_int_test were additional conversion validity checks and the std::string... the same way boost::cnv::spirit works. That slowed spirit_new_test some 11% compared to spirit_int_test. Though raw conversion speed is important (spirit_int_test) I do not expect it deployed like that (with no checks) in a realistic setting. 2. boost::cnv::spirit implements the same process-flow as spirit_new_test and boost::cnv::spirit was consistently 6% slower compared to raw spirit conversion deployment with the same functionality (spirit_new_test). Thank you, Joel, for sharing your performance testing framework. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at