2014-05-24 17:50 GMT+02:00 Beman Dawes
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Andrzej Krzemienski
2014-05-23 15:21 GMT+02:00 Andrzej Krzemienski
: Hi, Is there a macro in Boost.Config that would help me test if a compiler supports a C++11 feature "Rvalue references for *this" ( http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2007/n2439.htm)?
Here is the Trac ticket: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/10067
Have you considered writing it yourself and then submitting a pull request?
The process of creating a defect macro is documented at:
and of course there are lots of examples in the config library to look at.
Thanks for pointing me to these instructions. However, it may require of me more time that I am can afford. I do not understand some of the instructions. One of the bullets says: "cd into libs/config/test/all and run bjam *MACRONAME compiler-list*, where
*MACRONAME* is the name of the new macro, and *compiler-list* is a space separated list of compilers to test with."
This "compiler-list", I obviously want the macro to work for all possible compilers supported by Boost (and perhaps more), but locally, I can only test it on one. In order to define macro correctly, I would have to use Boost's testing facility, but they are only run on develop and master branches which I cannot commit to. Without having tested my macros on all compilers, I am not sure if my pull request would be a decent one. IOW, I have a chicken and egg problem here, which I do not know how to solve. any help would be much appreciated. Regards, &rzej