On Jan 3, 2019, at 2:25 PM, hh h via Boost
Suppose I have a session object A, the shared_ptr<A> is created and stored in a global connection list after a connection is accepted by async_accept, when the connection is terminated, the reference in connection list is removed, but since A has a member B still holds A reference, that session object is never deleted, is it memory leak?
class A : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<A> { public: A(); ~A(); void Start() {b = make_shared<B>(shared_from_this());} void Stop(); private: shared_ptr<B> b; };
Yes, what you describe is a resource leak due to a reference loop foiling shared_ptr's RAII reference counting. There are several ways to remedy this, one of which is to use a weak_ptr for one of the references. Higher-risk options include making sure to break the reference loop manually, or using a raw pointer instead. Josh