On 9 June 2015 at 15:20, Louis Dionne
What's trademarked is "SAP Hana", not "Hana" itself.
Be aware that SAP is currently in the process of applying for the community trademark “Hana” (by itself) too, application number 013285382 (search by application number at https://www.tmdn.org/tmview/welcome ), including in class 9 amongst others. It feels to me as if at least contacting SAP to ask for something written down which gives you / us / Boost the right to use “Boost Hana” for this project might be a good idea … either that or changing the name at this relatively early stage rather than risking being forced to later if things went sour! I've had no chance to read beyond the first few paragraphs of the documentation yet but so far it's giving me a very warm feeling, looks like great work, well done, … I'm a user of a few libraries which use TMP in their implementation, but have never written much beyond very small toy experimental projects of my own in this area. Nevertheless I hope to have a chance to get a bit further in before end of review period but it's looking unlikely :/ -- Bill Gallafent.