AMDG On 12/26/2013 04:14 PM, Mostafa wrote:
I was perusing Robert Ramey's very informative when I ran across this:
"Though BoostBook specifies a large collection of tags to characterize documentation elements, the large majority of these are not used by Boost library documentation It seems that that they've been included in the hopes of being available for future use. This would be OK except for the fact that the attaching all these tags to one's documentation would be a huge job - which would yield no benefit with the current document preparation system.
I'm not sure what tags he's referring to. The tags added by BoostBook (over the base DocBook tags) are used.
It's not clear from the BoostBook documentation which tags are used/useful and which should not be bothered with. This leaves one with questions about under what circumstances each tag should be used."
Is the situation involving unsupported documentation elements still true? If so, can someone knowledgeable with the issue in the least identify which elements are supported and which are not?
In Christ, Steven Watanabe