On 3/21/24 20:34, Hassan Sajjad via Boost wrote:
C++20 modules and header-units are a great addition to C++. There are numerous benefits of these. One of them is a faster compilation. Conventional build-systems however are unable to benefit from C++20 modules or header-units. Boost current build-system b2 does not support C++20 modules or header-units. CMake does not support C++20 header-units https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/25293.
I developed the build-system HMake https://github.com/HassanSajjad-302/HMake. It is in C++ and MIT Licenced. It supports drop-in header-files to header-units replacement. While compilers support processing a header-file as header-unit, no other build-system supports this feature.
With this I compiled SFML with C++20 header-units https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/1555g6b/hmake_build_system_02_compilin.... In the post, I mentioned that 2-3.5x speed-up was achieved but I did some more testing recently and an even better speed-up of 2.7-4.7x was achieved i.e., the speed of header-units is further improving with recent iterations.
I want to propose my build-system HMake for boost.
I'm strongly opposed to supporting a third build system. Especially given that the proposed build system is not mature and hasn't gained wide adoption. In fact, from the GitHub page it looks like a prototype rather than something that was battle tested. I see no documentation besides the readme with a few examples. Also, personally, I don't think C++ is a good choice for a build system language. The build system files are unnecessarily verbose, and the build process seems too complex.
Besides its already state-of-the-art C++20 modules and header-units support, it will be the first to support https://lists.isocpp.org/sg15/2023/11/2106.php or https://lists.isocpp.org/sg15/2023/11/2146.php if any of this gets implemented. These papers present ideas for faster module adoption and avoiding redundant module compilations. These need support from build-system. This way boost could be a breeding ground for C++20 modules adoption. Also, I have good experience with boost's current build-system b2 as a good portion of HMake's current API is inspired by it.
I will complete this proposal in 3 months.
This is a very ambitious time frame, IMO.
1) 2-months: Boost basic configuration compiled with C++20 header-units. This is more of a lone sprint. 2) 3-months: All boost current configurations + new with header-units and modules + tests and examples. This will require more active involvement by the current maintainers. I will give weekly updates here and will make a video after 2 months presenting the progress made. This will be to help other contributors so they can ensure that their library is fully supported.
Standard C++ Developer Compensation for 3 months (Negotiable). Payments are to be issued monthly. But you can back out at any point in case you are unsatisfied with development speed or direction.
I'm not the one to make funding decisions, but I don't see why Boost would pay for this work. It's not like Boost is in dire need of a new build system. If we do want to sponsor our build system advance, I think the money would be better spent on improving CMake support in Boost and in implementing features we need in CMake.