AMDG On 02/16/2016 12:08 PM, Edward Diener wrote:
On 2/16/2016 1:44 PM, Robert Ramey wrote:
Sorry, the suggestion is that on the develop test matrix, each library be tested on the develop branch against the other libraries on the master branch. This would permit a developer to make an innocent mistake without bringing down the whole system.
This creates a problem when code in one library in the 'develop' branch depends on code in another library in the 'develop' branch. I think this situation is far more likely than code in one library in the 'develop' branch having to wait until code in another library it may depend on is promoted to the 'master' branch of that library. Therefore while I understand the greater stability of testing the 'develop' branch of a library against the 'master' branch of all other libraries I am opposed to this sort of testing as a practical regression testing solution.
Case in point: https://github.com/boostorg/iostreams/pull/23 https://github.com/boostorg/build/pull/112
Ideally we should have a testing system where one could specify for any given library its library dependencies, and one could also specify which branch of each library dependency we want to test against. But we are a long way from such a system at present.
Even if it were possible, I can almost guarantee that it wouldn't be kept up-to-date. In Christ, Steven Watanabe