I am trying to build Boost 1.55 libraries with Clang 3.4 using g++ 4.8.2 as the toolchain on CentOS 6.5. When I run the command that I used for building 1.52.0, I get a message that seems to be harmless but indicates something has changed in the bjam options: bin/bjam --user-config=user-config.LINUX_C65 threading=multi instruction-set=core2 address-model=64 variant=release link=static,shared --stagedir=stageC65 stage link.jam: No such file or directory ... What's up with that? -- Dick Hadsell 203-992-6320 Fax: 203-992-6001 Reply-to: hadsell@blueskystudios.com Blue Sky Studioshttp://www.blueskystudios.com 1 American Lane, Greenwich, CT 06831-2560 Follow Blue Sky Studios on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BlueSkyStudios and Twitter http://twitter.com/#%21/blueskystudios