On 8/8/13 10:55 PM, Niall Douglas wrote:
Sure. Proposed Boost.AFIO is technically fully ported to Boost now, so you'll find its QuickBook sources at:
For coloured ticks and crosses:
https://github.com/BoostGSoC/boost.afio/blob/master/libs/afio/doc/afio.qbk contains the Quickbook macros:
[def __tick__ [role aligncenter [role green \u2714]]] [def __cross__ [role aligncenter [role red \u2718]]]
The requisite CSS can be found appended to the bottom of this boostbook.css at https://github.com/BoostGSoC/boost.afio/blob/master/libs/afio/doc/html/myboo stbook.css#L660.
You'll note I did some funky CSS things with getting the BoostBook TOC to go multi-column which has generated (what I consider to be) a most pleasing compact TOC layout which can be seen at https://ci.nedprod.com/job/Boost.AFIO%20Build%20Documentation/Boost.AFIO_Doc umentation/doc/html/index.html.
That *IS* wonderful! Regards, -- Joel de Guzman http://www.ciere.com http://boost-spirit.com http://www.cycfi.com/