Hi, Integers with the capability to store large numbers has always been a requirement in C++ which has successfully been implemented by boost/multiprecision/cpp_int. Other languages such as Python and Java also supports such integer datatypes. I performed a speed test for C++ and python integers. While comparing speed of cpp_int and python int, I noticed that even though C++ source program was compiled with -O2 and -O3 flags, cpp_int was slow as compared for python int for multiplication and left-shift operations. The time taken for multiplication was: 1) cpp_int = 17.06 seconds 2) python int = 8.39 seconds I used the attached files to perform the testing on Linux. The execution time was measured using the time command. I would like to optimize this library. Being a GSoC aspirant, I was looking to pair up with a potential mentor in this domain who could guide me. Any feedback would be appreciated. Regards, Fenil Mehta