Updated the source, documentation, tests, examples.
Source: https://github.com/glenfe/align
Doc: http://glenfe.com/align/doc/
1. aligned_alloc isn't confined to sizeof(void*) multiples for posix_memalign
2. aligned_alloc supports _aligned_malloc and posix_memalign on more platforms
3. aligned_allocator now allows specifying minimum alignment
Why are there no allocator_traits?
In what way? std::allocator_traits is usable with boost::aligned_allocator, just as it is with std::allocator. Concerning the interface of boost::aligned_allocator, it provides the same type traits as the specification of std::allocator in 20.6.9 [default.allocator].
Should there be support for placement new?
What do you suggest? The result of boost::aligned_alloc (or the result of boost::align), given the appropriate alignment, is suitable for use with placement new. We could provide additional utilities that do both allocation and construction. Thanks! Glen