Hi, My application is running one thread under boost::asio::io_service, it is an embedded system running on an ARM processor with Linux, so no gdb installed. The application is also using a boost::asio::deadline_timer to call a function every second, but I got following segmentation stack trace: _ZN5boost4asio6detail9scheduler10do_run_oneERNS1_27conditionally_enabled_mutex11scoped_lockERNS1_21scheduler_thread_infoERKNS_6system10error_codeE+0xdd _ZN5boost4asio6detail9scheduler3runERNS_6system10error_codeE+0x83 I thought I could run c++filt to demangling the library name, not sure why it didn't demangle the name today. I used the same boost::asio::deadline_timer version 1.69 for another application running on Ubuntu which was working fine, what I could be missing? Thank you. Kind regards, Jupiter