10 Dec
10 Dec
4:41 p.m.
I've been pecking away at "Getting Started with Modular Boost Library Maintenance". See https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/StartModMaint I'd appreciate comments and corrections. One of the questions that came up was how to number releases for individual libraries. Say Boost.System wants to do a release before the next full Boost release ships. What do I call it? How do I document it? How do I tag it? Strawman proposal ------------------------ * Call it "Boost.System 1.55.1 Point Release". * Document it via the "readme" file that GitHub pesters you to add. Contents would give the title of the release and the release notes. * Create a gh-pages branch with the same release notice. * Tag it 1.55.1 Comments? --Beman