For those who got involved in Boost within the last couple years, how did you hear about boost? What attracted you to it?
For those who have been around for a while, what keeps you here? Why do you stay engaged?
Great questions. I have an academic background in optimization and computational intelligence. During my studies, I quickly realized the immense potential of C++ for my work. I fell in love with the language for its combination of performance and the ability to abstract complex concepts. As I delved into C++, I soon discovered Boost. The quality of these libraries was outstanding, and I began incorporating various Boost libraries into my academic projects. Here are some I’ve used over time, in no particular order: Boost.Pool, Boost.StringAlgorithms, Boost.Spirit, Boost.DLL, Boost.MultiIndex, Boost.Container, Boost.Tribool, Boost.Graph, Boost.Asio, Boost.Beast, Boost.Coroutine, Boost.Integer, Boost.Multiprecision, Boost.ProgramOptions, Boost.Serialization, Boost.Uuid, Boost.Describe, Boost.Hana, Boost.Histogram, Boost.Interprocess, Boost.JSON, Boost.Nowide, Boost.Geometry, Boost.Process, Boost.Range, and Boost.Math. I remember https://theboostcpplibraries.com/, which was invaluable to me during this period. I used to recommend it to everyone. A few years later, I became a professor, teaching C++, among other subjects. Initially, we couldn’t use C++11 in our classes, so Boost was integral to our research projects. The synergy between Boost and the evolving C++11 standard was apparent. As C++11 gained traction, some recommended alternatives to Boost. But I remained loyal to Boost due to its superior quality. However, after nearly a decade in academia, I grew increasingly dissatisfied. Despite my achievements with C++ and Boost, the pressure to publish frequently led to an overemphasis on Python prototypes that always went nowhere but got papers published. To counter this, I began contributing to open-source C++ libraries in my spare time, focusing initially on scientific computing and optimization. Some of my libraries gained traction, which fueled my enthusiasm. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had more time to contribute to the C++ ecosystem and was invited to the cpplang Slack. I was thrilled by the dynamic discussions on all things C++. Through this community, I learned about the C++ Alliance. I was surprised to find out at the time they were also funding this vibrant experience. In 2021, I joined the C++ Alliance. This was a breath of fresh air, allowing me to focus on meaningful work outside the constraints of academia. Collaborating with talented individuals within and outside the C++ Alliance was enriching. I could now concentrate on what I loved: contributing to the C++ ecosystem through Boost and standalone tools: a reality made possible by the C++ Alliance. Since then, I’ve maintained my libraries and assisted with existing ones. This involves the often-overlooked, thankless tasks vital to keeping libraries compatible with new compilers and bugs-free. As some move away from Boost for standalone projects, these libraries remain functional thanks to a few dedicated volunteers. Finding such qualified volunteers is rare and can't be taken for granted. Boost is notable to me for several reasons, many of which are tied to the community and my long-standing relationship with it: - Contributing to such an impactful project is incredibly rewarding. - The competence of the community members makes discussions engaging. - C++ is ideal for my projects, and Boost significantly enhances my productivity. I have no desire to switch languages. - Working with some of the best C++ engineers toward a common goal is fulfilling. - The cpplang Slack and the mailing list are excellent places for questions and discussions. - Giving back to the community, which has given me so much, feels right. I love coding, and there’s no better place for me than here. The C++ Alliance has made so much of this possible for me and the Boost community.