John Maddock wrote:
On 10/05/2015 15:37, Adam Wulkiewicz wrote:
Adam Wulkiewicz wrote:
Since 2015/04/26 the tests started to dissapear from Geometry summary pages for develop branch. And now the pages aren't even displayed properly, I see only:
Error extracting file: No matching files were found.
What may be the reason of such behavior and most importantly do you know how to fix it?
I did more research and I found out that this change in Config (from Apr 24, 2015) is preventing the generation of the proper XML output for the Geometry tests:
Can you see if this: https://github.com/boostorg/config/commit/fa954b8b61718dcdfd21504dbacc01cce3...
Fixes things?
The XML with the results looks good, test-log attributes are set for Geometry tests. And one of the testers already uploaded the results. So it seems that the fix works. Thanks Adam
If so I suspect there are some other places where this needs fixing as well, John.