On 16-11-2016 11:54, Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
On 15-11-2016 23:53, Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
El 15/11/2016 a las 18:38, Thorsten Ottosen escribió:
D. I don't get the use of numeric_limits<T>::max() for capacity of an empty container. I would be perfectly happy with 0 unless there is something we cannot do with that definition.
Not a strong opinon on that. Having capacity()==infinite for a segment-less collection makes sense from a mathematical point of view, but other than that 0 could work equally well. If this eventually make it into an official proposal I'd adopt whatever the community thinks makes the most sense.
ok, it confused me, so chances are that it will confuse the average programmer and take up brain cycles for no reason.
It also seems natural to expect that capacity() - size() for a container to tell us the number of elements I can insert without reallocation will happen, and hence is important if one want to reason about exception-safety. With the exotic definition of capacity() that is no longer the case. kind regards -Thorsten