On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 1:25 AM, Rob Stewart
Those aren't function pointers. They are function templates. You're on the right track, but you're not using overloading to your advantage. You need a get function template that is overloaded for the various holder types.
namespace custom { template<class T> T & get(boost::any & _value) { return boost:: any_cast<T>(_value); } }
You then write code like the following for your access:
Regardless of the value type, be it any, variant, or what have you, with an appropriate overload of get(), you'd be able to extract the value. IOW, your code determines the interface(s) needed for common interactions with the holder types, and then it relies on specializations and/or overloads to adapt to the holder types.
If one wants to use a new type with your container, one must specialize or overload the customization points you've chosen.
It is possible to capture all customization points into a single policy class, but that can be less flexible in some cases. I'm not saying it isn't appropriate for your case. I'm just saying it isn't the right thing by default.
In the example above, I've exposed the calling code to an exception should the any_cast fail. You have to decide whether that's acceptable and, if not, require your own exception type or have get return T*.
Sorry, I was spewing code without really saying much about it. I meant the
part that sets function pointers for each templated instance of
set_get_function<T> was,
Internally, I have a vector of function pointers and the set_get_function
(I've renamed this to add_accessor<T>) will add the function pointer to the
vector. I see what you are saying about making a get function, it would
work in a very similar fashion as get<>(std::tuple). However, I'd like to
provide an iterator, and for that I need a function internal to the class
which can get the transform the type-erased data to the native(?) data
type. For example, my dereference operator needs a way to transform the
boost::any/boost::variant/etc into the native data type. As is, I use the
function pointer to use the user defined function to accomplish that.
Without that, I am not sure if it is possible to provide an iterator since
its not possible to know the method to transform any generic type-erased
datatype. I am not aware of any other method to allow the user to insert a
function that my class can use internally. Providing a
custom::get<T>(value) I think is key, but allowing iteration with a clean
syntax would be super nice as well. Currently, this is my syntax,
//define templated accessor function
template<typename T>
void* boost_any_accessor(boost::any* b)
return (void*)boost::any_cast<T>(b);
int main()
typedef boost::any data_type data_type;
typedef std::vector