build2 is an open source, cross-platform toolchain for building and packaging C++ code.
could you consider using name that's not 'build2'? Given that Boost.Build 2 exists for years, marketed by that name, and uses 'b2' as executable, it seems that calling a similar product as 'build2' is bound to create confusion for users. Hey, even the top-left of your web site just say 'b2'.
i guess that everyone referring to "thread" uses the terms "std thread" or "boost thread" to resolve the ambiguity. personally, i use "boost build" as a term like "build" could also refer to "the binary artifacts produced by a build process". using "build" without any context is probably a bad idea (both for "boost.build" and for "build2"). tim, who is not sure if we need yet another "buildsystem", but would rather see a good cross-platform c/c++ package manager.