The Boost formal review of Krystian Stasiowski and Vinnie Falco's FixedString library will take place November 25 - December 4, 2019. This is an early call for you to consider participating in the review. Feedback and constructive criciticism from experts and not-so-experts alike is very much welcome. FixedString being a relatively small and straightforward library, you will find it very easy to familiarize yourself with it and contribute back to the community. FixedString provides a dynamically resizable string of characters with compile-time fixed capacity and contiguous embedded storage in which the characters are placed within the string object itself. Its API closely resembles that of std::string. GitHub repository: https://github.com/18/fixed_string Online docs: https://18.github.io/doc/fixed_string If you feel like reviewing FixedString you can start now prepping --though I'd ask you to refrain from submitting actual reviews till Nov 25. Read the docs, download/fork the code, read/run it, maybe try integrating it into some project of yours, ask questions to the authors, preferrably on Boost or Boost Users mailing lists. The FixedString initiative arose from a very lively discussion within the community: https://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2019/09/246943.php , so I sincerely hope this review will be a fruitful, crowded one. Don't let me down! Best regards, Joaquín M López Muñoz Review manager for candidate Boost.FixedString