On Mar 23, 2018, at 10:46 AM, Richard via Boost
wrote: [I'm attempting to set replies to boost-cmake@lists.boost.org; we'll see if it works or if the list software rewrites my header.]
In article
, Mateusz Loskot via Boost writes: For instance, I wish Boost offered CMake support library, review eg. BCM and let it in. I'm not speaking of building Boost with CMake, no! I mean joint development of support scripts for Modern CMake which are useful for those Boost library developers who wish to add CMake configuration (along the official BB2), for convenience. I think such bunch of Boost for CMake scripts would foster better common practices.
OK, I'd consider myself moderately familiar with CMake, but by no means an expert. However, when I read the above paragraph, I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you be more specific?
I think he is talking about installing usage requirements(ie confi.cmake file or pkgconfig files). Or perhaps he is referring to the general utilities it provides for setting up tests among other things? Paul