What is the difference in functionality between gzip and zlib compression?
I think gzip and zlib are two different variants of the DEFLATE algorithm and they differ in their header information.
I built Boost iostreams library on Linux after exporting ZLIB_SOURCE and BZIP2_SOURCE environment variables. However when I build a sample program using gzip / bzip2 with IOStreams, I do not need to link to libzlib or libbz2. Is the zlib / bz2 code built into libboost_iostreams in this case?
For reference, this is the command line I used to build the iostreams library.
./b2 --with-iostreams --build-dir=../build threading=multi variant=release link=shared runtime-link=shared
The following page lists build settings for iostreams. http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/iostreams/doc/installation.html Gives me the impression that you can build against source or against pre-built libraries for zlib / bzip2. I guess if you built against source, then you don't need to separately link against zlib / bzip2 libraries. Arindam