Boost.MPI is based on Boost.Serialization. And I know a few people who uses Boost.MPI (starting with me). I'm ok with moving to an alternative if there are suggestions but will need some time. It also means that Boost.MPI will have to be removed from boost (as having a dependency outside of Boost and std woul be an issue I guess), but that can be considered if that's the only reason for extra maintenance work. Cheers ---- Alain Miniussi DSI, Pôles Calcul et Genie Log. Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur Tél. : +33609650665 ----- On Mar 28, 2024, at 10:23 PM, Brook Milligan via Boost boost@lists.boost.org wrote:
Hi Robert,
I’m sorry you are feeling that Boost.Serialization might be EOL. I actually do use it and have found its stability to be a great selling point over the years. I confess that I’m not a retro-compiler person so I personally don’t use any old compat code, but particularly in this case I expect many others might. Of course, it is your decision I suppose, but it would be a great loss were the library to be deprecated.
Thanks for your steady work on it.
Cheers, Brook
On Mar 28, 2024, at 12:46 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost
wrote: On 3/28/24 7:01 AM, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 2:34 PM Robert Ramey via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
I would like to see suggestions as to how we could get usage statistics on boost libraries.
Yes, this is an important area of analysis for which no perfect solution exists. However, researchers at The C++ Alliance have developed an experimental technique which offers hope for newly submitted libraries.
Actually, I was thinking more of existing libraries. Case in point. I get relatively little feedback on the boost serialization library. It's been 20+ years. Initially it was almost alone. But now there are lots of alternatives. Serialization has never been proposed for the standard. It has few "stars" on github. I'm wondering if it's even used any more. It's becoming increasingly out of sync with evolving boost tools and hence more effort to maintain. Perhaps it's time to deprecated it or remove it from boost.
Robert Ramey
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