Hi, Am 23.01.2017 09:55, schrieb Hans Dembinski:
On 20 Jan 2017, at 20:03, Christof Donat
wrote: auto my_new_str = concat("Hello", ", ", "World", "!").str();
Your last proposal was without the ".str()", which made more sense:
auto my_new_str = concat("Hello", ", ", "World", "!");
I hope this was just a typo.
Actually no, it wasn't. The idea is, that functions like concat(), join() and format() return string factories, instead of strings. This is an advantage, when you combine calls to these functions: auto my_new_str = concat("Hello ", join(", ",std::begin(my_nums), std::end(my_nums)), format(" the file %1% contains %2% bytes", filename, filesize)).str(); As you see, I only call str() on the return value of concat(). We can make the string factories write to a preallocated buffer. Here the concat facory will allocate enough memory, and ask the join string factory, and the format string factory to write directly to that buffer. If join() and format() would return strings, we'd have to copy them in concat(). An alternative to a function like str() could be an implicit conversion operator to std::string. Then we would write: auto my_new_str = std::string{concat("Hello ", join(", ",std::begin(my_nums), std::end(my_nums)), format(" the file %1% contains %2% bytes", filename, filesize))}; or std::string my_new_str{concat("Hello ", join(", ",std::begin(my_nums), std::end(my_nums)), format(" the file %1% contains %2% bytes", filename, filesize))}; Again we pass two string factories to concat(). Therefore it can allocate enough memory and ask these factories to write there. The only difference is, that all that does not happen in a call to str(), but in a call to operator std::string (). I am not completely opposed to implicit conversions, but in this case, an explicit function call feels better to me. Sorry, that I don't have a better reason at the moment. No matter if we use str() of an implicit conversion, combining these calls also lets us use tag parameters for formatting details: format("%1% is %2% and %3%", 42, concat(format::hex<int>, 42, " in hex"), concat(format::oct<int>, 42, " in oct")).str(); Other than the iostream manipulators these formatting instructions have a defined scope. And still we don't have to copy temporary strings, because we pass string factories. Christof