Am 28.06.2013, 07:42 Uhr, schrieb Vicente J. Botet Escriba
Yes, I remember this comment.
My questions is if functions like boost::thread::timed_join or boost::mutex::timed_wait may have similar problems on hardware where QueryPerformanceCounter gives wrong result. Is there a way (like a preprocessor macro) to have boost::thread use the old implementation independent from boost::chrono?
Unfortunately I don't know how to implement a real steady_clock on windows platform, and I was wondering if it shouldn't be removed. Of course if someone knows how to do it, patches are welcome.
Yes, a real steady_clock on windows is hard to implement. GetTickCount works if a resolution of 16ms is okay. Not even the std::chrono of VC11 works, because it uses the normal system-clock(for details see http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/753063/c-std-chro... or http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/753115/steady-clo...). Unfortunately if it is not possible to switch to the old implementation of boost::thread(which doesn't depend on boost::chrono) we can't update to boost 1.54. That is a real blocker for us and I don't see a solution right now. Do I miss something? Are we the only ones who suffer from this problem on windows? Regards, Christian