Op 06-03-2021 om 19:28 schreef Serguei TARASSOV via Boost:
Hello, is it possible to have a custom error handler on the rule level (for every rule in the limit) ? Cannot find this point in docs/examples. I.e. when parsing following texts (// are inline comments): DO_JOB WITH not_a_opt1; // should raise "Option not_a_opt1 is unknown" DO_JOB WITH opt2 = 123; // should raise "Invalid value 123 for option opt2" Regards,
I'm really confused what "limit" means. "The limit"? Maybe this example can be inspiring: https://godbolt.org/z/r8x34P: Error: Option not_a_opt1; is unknown Error: Expected <strvalue> after ' opt2 = ' ==== [DO_JOB WITH not_a_opt1;] ==== ==== [DO_JOB WITH opt2 = 123;] ==== ==== [DO_JOB WITH opt2 = "hello \"world\""; QUIT WITH opt1 = -9999; DO_JOB WITH opt2 = "LtUaE", opt1 = 42; QUIT] ==== Parsed [DO_JOB, {(hello "world")}] [QUIT, {(-9999)}] [DO_JOB, {(LtUaE), (42)}] [QUIT, {}] See on_error for generialized error handlers: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_75_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/spirit/qi/tutoria... See here for ideas for comprehensive error handling and reporting: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47383910/85371 or Cheers, Seth
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