Hi, This is to inform maintainers and contributors about little proposal I made to the common CI infrastructure maintained by James https://github.com/boostorg/boost-ci/pull/11 The comments should explain rationale behind extending the common naming convention to enable CI builds for topic branches (w/o changing branch filters in .travis.yml etc.). The PR has now been merged. I'd like to encourage mainainers who use the boost-ci setup to pull the update into the libraries. It may also be helpful to put a note in CONTRIBUTING.md or README.md to let contributors know that if they wish to test their contributions on their own CI accounts prior submitting it as PR, they should name their topic branches with prefixes: feature/*, fix/* or pr/* I hope this simple change to boost-ci would be adopted by across Boost libraries and make some contributors' life esier. "What would be great for one off contributors like me is if all CI scripts would support testing of feature branches in forked repositories by default." - from #boost at cpplang.slack.com Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net Fingerprint=C081 EA1B 4AFB 7C19 38BA 9C88 928D 7C2A BB2A C1F2