On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Louis Dionne
I wonder whether there is a policy for how to version individual Boost libraries. Should individual libraries follow their own versioning scheme, or should they stick to the Boost versioning scheme?
For example, Hana is currently in v0.4 and following Semantic Versioning[1]. I am wondering whether I should change Hana's version to 1.60.0 when it will be released with Boost 1.60.0, and from then on follow that versioning scheme (and drop Semantic Versioning, which I'm OK with). Hence, I would bump to 1.61.0 when Boost 1.61.0 is released, and so on. The other option is to stick with my current versioning scheme and simply document the correspondence between Hana vA.B.C and Boost vX.Y.Z.
Is there any agreed-upon way to handle this?
There is no agreed-upon way so far.. Which means it's up to you. But the common strategy is to have independent versioning. Which is what my own Predef does. And what Spirit, and others do. Whatever you do I would suggest adding a version macro for your library regardless. Examples: < https://github.com/boostorg/predef/blob/master/include/boost/predef/version....
< https://github.com/boostorg/spirit/blob/master/include/boost/spirit/include/...
< https://github.com/boostorg/phoenix/blob/master/include/boost/phoenix/versio...
< https://github.com/boostorg/program_options/blob/master/include/boost/progra...
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