Alexander Grund wrote:
So my point/problem is: Is the maintainer allowed to simply do changes as he wishes without any review at all?
In short, yes. I understand your frustration, but the procedure is to square it off with the maintainer, then if you feel you're getting nowhere, escalate to the list. Basically what you've done, except that you're trying to discuss not the issue at hand, but "rights and responsibilities of maintainers", which is not going to help your issue, or anyone. The test in question is https://github.com/boostorg/serialization/pull/111/files which does indeed crash https://travis-ci.org/boostorg/serialization/jobs/441654483#L2546 That's easy enough to follow and does show a legitimate problem, in my opinion, although Robert refuses to acknowledge it for some reason. Your further PRs, #110 and #105, are more convoluted and I haven't had the time to look into them in detail; the "fix" PR was failing on Travis, so I assumed it was still a work in progress. Looking at it now, https://travis-ci.org/boostorg/serialization/builds/442032113 the only failures are with Clang and they happen without your patch as well. In either case, it has to be Robert who approves and applies the patch, as "the community" doesn't understand the library as well as he does. (I certainly do not.)