On 2014-08-18 18:56, Robert Ramey wrote:
Get documentation into your package so we can include it in "Library Writers Workshop"
Robert Ramey
Robert, I'll see what I can come up with until then. As written in another thread, I am not sure yet how to document the library in a more formal way. The statements' interface change while being used (not really, of course, but it kind of behaves that way). Here are a few examples (the first one will compile with the current development branch, the others will compile with any recent release): auto x = select(sqlpp::value(7).as(sqlpp::alias::a)); x is a statement that has a bunch of member functions like from(), where(), having(), etc, but none of those are required to be called. You can let this be executed by the database as is. auto y = select(all_of(t)); // t being a table y is a statement that has the same member functions, but two of them are required to execute the statement: from() and where(). I.e. db(y); // This will trigger two static asserts db(y.from(t).where(true)); // This will compile And auto z = select(all_of(t)).from(t).where(t.name == "XX"); z is a statement that can be executed by a database. It does not have the methods from() and where() anymore. You can call having(), group_by(), etc, though. This behaves really smoothly, but I don't know how to formally document it yet. Best, Roland