On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Egor Pugin via Boost
gcc8.1 and VS15.7 (2017) are now shipped with std::filesystem. I'd like to raise a discussion about pure c++ interoperability with boost(::filesystem).
I would first recommend you open a GitHub issue for boost::filesystem here: https://github.com/boostorg/filesystem To the filesystem maintainer: the backlog on pull requests on filesystem is up to 27.
Next, if we take boost::process, for example, we see that it currently operates only on boost::filesystem. If my application uses c++17 fs, I have to write something like this: fs::path f(fs::path in) { bp::search_path(in.u8string()).wstring(); }
So, mixing pure c++ and boost becomes more complex.
I would first recommend you open a GitHub issue for boost::system here: https://github.com/boostorg/system
Any ideas how to deal better with such issues on the user side? What are directions of proper fixing this in boost::process (in case I'll try to prepare a PR)? What are boost policies in adopting standard features in general?
I think making them compatible is good thing, assuming we don't have to break backwards compatibility.
-- Egor Pugin
Thanks, Jim