1 Dec
1 Dec
12:23 a.m.
On 11/29/16 8:33 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. wrote:
The Asynchronous library is now listed in the Boost Library Incubator ( http://blincubator.com/bi_library/asynchronous-2/?gform_post_id=1654). <
boost.asynchronous looks to have many of the same features/functionality as HPX. Can I ask why you chose to reimplement futures/lightweight thread pools/parallel STL/etc, rather than working on improving HPX to suit your needs?
JB Disclaimer : I have contributed o HPX, but I'm not one of the "German HPC Guys" :) .
Hmmm - HPX looks interesting, but it hasn't been submitted to boost and I haven't heard of any plans to do so. Robert Ramey