Quoting David Mugnai (2016-09-17 00:44:28)
Quoting David Mugnai (2016-09-15 17:09:11)
Quoting Rene Rivera (2016-09-14 16:01:33)
The packages for 1.62.0 beta 2 are now available: [snip]
As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the archive of your choice and give building and using it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
I'm working on a conan[1] recipe to build boost, it works with the beta 1 but is broken with the new release.
The problem raises when `b2` is called with the following cmdline:
./b2 toolset=gcc link=static variant=release address-model=64 define=_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1\ -j4 --abbreviate-paths --without-python -s BZIP2_BINARY=bz2\ -s BZIP2_INCLUDE=/home/dvd/.conan/data/bzip2/1.0.6/lasote/stable/package/edadca1e87b5221b49136db2890144d01c45377a/include\ -s BZIP2_LIBPATH=/home/dvd/.conan/data/bzip2/1.0.6/lasote/stable/package/edadca1e87b5221b49136db2890144d01c45377a/lib
I've discovered that the 7z version of the archive compiles fine; so the problem seems to be related to the .tar.gz.
I've tried to diff the two versions of `tools/build/src/kernel/modules.jam` (the one from the .tar.gz and the one from the .7z) but they seems to differ only for the newlines.
Casually I found a "workaround"; running `./b2 clear` between `./bootstrap.sh` and `./b2` fixes the problem.
Hemm, it is not a proper workaround :) Obviously `./b2 clear` does nothing because `clear` is not a valid target. It looks to work because with `./b2 foobar` bzip2 is not found and thus the error is not triggered, while the second invocation of `./b2` finds the settings for bzip2 in the cache.