2017-07-08 16:51 GMT+02:00 Vinnie Falco via Boost
On Sat, Jul 8, 2017 at 7:19 AM, Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira via Boost
wrote: I only found the time to join the discussion now 😢
Glad to see you here Vinícius! I see you've been busy working on your repositories (I check on them from time to time) - that's great!
Yep. I've been more busy with my work than my open source contributions, but I donate time to my open repos from time to time.
Anyway, it's fairly easy to adapt this parser model to C++ iterator model
Using templated iterators (I think that's the direction you're implying) offers flexibility. But there are advantages when using a raw pointer to a contiguous piece of memory holding the entire HTTP header or other structured element (chunk-header, final-chunk). Such as using SSE4.2 intrinsics to accelerate the parsing:
<https://github.com/vinniefalco/Beast/blob/6f88f0182d461e9cabe55032f966c9 ca4f77bf46/include/beast/http/detail/basic_parser.hpp#L223>
Nope. I'd point to the documentation, but I'm still writing that. You can just look at the link I provided, it's the parser I wrote being used on a Qt application. No problematic dependency on Asio's executor/io_service. I agree with the “raw pointer to a contiguous piece of memory” and that's why I use Asio's buffer abstractions (sorry Niall, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel).
After the review on my library, I noted there was a big interest in low-level control for handling HTTP messages.
Can you please list the low-level control features or maybe link to the corresponding boost-dev posts which describe the desired low-level control? I thought I addressed them but I'd like to be sure
The discussion was so big and happened years ago. Can't do that. I just wrote the summary as a list of issues to fix in my all design (so everything which was already right is lost in the discussions of this mailing list). Just provide a parser better than NodeJS and you're good for the most uncommon users. No allocations etc. -- Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/