On 28 March 2015 at 16:48, Edward Diener
In order to get VMD under boostorg in order to begin the process of integrating the library into Boost for the release after the current pending one I tried to transfer the library as explained on the page https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/NewLibFromGit. But I do not have the necessary admin rights for boostorg. How do I proceed ?
I want to get VMD under boostorg and then do whatever is necessary to add it to the superproject and have it part of for regression testing.
To transfer the repo you either need to transfer it to someone with admin rights who can do it for you, or get someone to create a team for you, and temporarily give the team admin rights so that you can transfer the repo in. Do you want this to be maintained by the preprocessor team or a new, separate team? Once the repo is ready, the best way to add it to the super-project is probably to create a pull request, or ask for help if you don't know how. If you have a metadata file, I'll add the library to libs/libraries.htm and libs/maintainers.txt from that.