On 8 October 2013 09:00, Paul A. Bristow
I've finally got round to trying this with Quickbook 1.7 and I find it very neat to be able to control the alignment, both in text, and most usefully, in tables, so that the heading and/or body text can be centered or even right aligned. (justify seems less useful).
/* alignment and coloring use role feature, available from Quickbook 1.7 up. */
It's a 1.6 feature. There are still changes to be made in 1.7, so it's best to stick with 1.6 for now. I've got a lot of changes that haven't been made to trunk yet.
I'd like to add a few to the boostbook.css
/* Text colors (names at http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp) */ span.red { color: red; } span.green { color: green; } span.lime { color: #00FF00; } span.blue { color: blue; } span.navy { color: navy; } span.yellow { color: yellow; } span.magenta { color: magenta; } span.indigo { color: #4B0082; } span.cyan { color: cyan; } span.purple { color: purple; } span.gold { color: gold; } span.silver { color: silver; } span.grey { color: grey; }
Go for it.
It will also be useful to have a few defs in your Quickbook file.
[/ ticks and crosses from dingbats http://www.unicodemap.org/range/56/Dingbats/ eg http://www.unicodemap.org/details/0x2714/]
[def __tick [role aligncenter [role green \u2714]]] [/ u2714 is a HEAVY CHECK MARK tick (2713 check mark)] [def __cross [role aligncenter [role red \u2718]]] [/ u2718 is a heavy cross] [def __star [role aligncenter [role red \u2736]]] [/ 6-point star]
Personally, I'd use templates, but it's your choice.
Will this also produce a pdf version as with other Quickbook docs?
So far, the answer to my other question is not yet.
My jamfile contains this pointer to my special css with the above added items (and works for html)
and I presume this applies to for both html and pdf ?
No, css is only for html. I'm sure it's possible to do at least coloured text in pdfs, a quick search suggests: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-apps/201202/msg00106.html I guess we need to add something similar to the boostbook xsl.