29 Aug
29 Aug
8:25 a.m.
Den 27-08-2018 kl. 15:03 skrev comic fans via Boost:
Hello , I've found that ptr_unordered_map.insert has following signature (from code and latest doc)
insert( key_type& k, T* x ); that forbids calls like ptr_unordered_map.insert( myobj->id(), myobj) ,I wonder if this is by design , or some other reason ? why other overload takes const key_type& k as key type? and insert always call insert_impl which have const reference as key type ? any help would be appreciated.
It is by design. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/libs/ptr_container/doc/faq.html#why-do... regards -Thorsten