2014/1/8 Vicente J. Botet Escriba
Hi Oliver,
hello Vicente
The interface must at least follows the interface of the standard thread library and if there are some limitations, they must be explicitly documeted. Any difference respect Boost.Thread must also documented and the rational explained.
OK - section rational
std::thread is not copyable by design, that is only one owner. WHy boost::fibers::fiber is copyable?
boost::fibers::fiber should be movable only - it is derived from boost::noncopyable and uses BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE
Why the exceptions throw by the function given to a fiber is consumed by the framework instead of terminate the program as std::thread?
the trampoline-function used for the context does following: - in a try-cactch-block execute the fiber-code (fiber-function given by the user) - catch exception forced_unwind from boost.coroutine -> release the fiber and continue unwinding the stack - catch fiber_interrupted -> stored inside boost::exception_ptr (might be re-thrown in fiber::join() ) - catch all other exceptions and call std::terminate() I though this would let to an equivalent behaviour as std::thread
Which exception is thrown when the Error Conditions:resource_deadlock_would_occurand invalid_argument are signaled?
I use BOOST_ASSERT instead of exception
Why priority and thread_affinity are not part of the fiber attributes?
you referre to class attributes passed to fiber's ctor? this class is a vehicle for passing special parameter (for instance stack-size) to boost::coroutine - if you use the segmented-stack feature you usually don't need it. priority() and thread_affinity() are member-functions of boost::fibers::fiber to make the modifications those parameters for an instance more explicit
The interface let me think that the affinity can be changed by the owned of the thread and the thred itself. Is this by design?
thread_affinity() expresses if the fiber is bound to the thread - this is required for fiber-stealing, e.g. a fiber which is bound to its running thread will not be selected as candidate for fiber-stealing.
Please don't document get/set functions as thread_affinity altogether.
The safe_bool idiom should be replaced by a explict operator bool.
hmm - I thought using 'operator bool' is dangerous (I remind on some discussion of this issue by Scott Meyers). do you have other infos?
Why is the scheduling algorithm global? Could it be threads specific?
It is thread specific (using boost::thread_specific_ptr)
BTW i sthere an exmple showing the |thread_specific_ptr trick mentioned on the documentation. |
which trick? maybe you referring to algorithm * scheduler::instance() { if ( ! instance_.get() ) { default_algo_.reset( new round_robin() ); instance_.reset( default_algo_.get() ); } return instance_.get(); }
Why the time related function are limited to a specific clock?
it is a typedef to steady_clock (if avaliable) or system_clock - one of the main reasons is that you would have made the schedulers be templates.
The interface of fiber_group based on old and deprecated thread_group is not based on move semantics. Have you take a look at the proposal N3711 http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3711.pdf Task Groups As a Lower Level C++ Library Solution To Fork-Join Parallelism
no - but I've no problems to remove it form the library
Maybe it is worth adapting it to fibers. ** Boost.Thread has deprecated the use of the nested type scoped_lock as it introduce unnecessary dependencies. DO you think it is worth maintaining it?
oh - I wasn't aware of this issue - I've no preferrence to scoped_lock (which is a typedef to unique_lock, AFAIK)
I made some adaptations to boost::barrier that could also have a sens for fibers.
OK - what are those adaptations?
I don't know if a single class could be defined that takes care of both contexts for high level classes as the barrier?
a problem is raised by the mutex implementations - thread's mutexes are blocking the thread while fiber's mutexes do only suspend the current fiber while keep the thread running (so other fibers are able to run instead) I was thinking on a combination of sync. primitives for threads and fibers too , but it is not that easy to implement (with a clean interface)
Boost.Thread would deliver two synchronized bounded and unbounded queue soon based on N3533 http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2013/n3533.html C++ Concurrent Queues
Have you tried to follow the same interface?
I did look at the proposal of C++ Concurrent Queues - but I didn't adapt the complete interface. for instance Element queue::value_pop(); -> queue_op_status queue::pop( Element &);