on Thu May 23 2013, Beman Dawes
* "git clone --recursive http://github.com/boostorg/boost modular-boost" is mostly working fine here (on Win7) but is producing one set of error messages:
Cloning into 'libs/assign'... fatal: reference is not a tree: 57ec5d1534810090649b18c88e66a46f48cdcf1c ... Unable to checkout '57ec5d1534810090649b18c88e66a46f48cdcf1c' in submodule path 'libs/assign'
Reproduced here. That's very strange; I'll have to try to figure out why that's happening.
The remaining hiccups are in the root directory, comparing trunk to master:
* boost.css is missing content from revisions 36243 and 53553.
* boost-build.jam has different comments and history. Something is totally whacky.
* boostcpp.py contents are the same, but the trunk file has Unix line endings, the master file has Windows line endings.
Oh well, the way line endings are handled in Git and SVN are divergent. Check your .gitconfig against the output of git --help config; especially core.eol, core.safecrlf, and core.autocrlf
* Same problem with bootstrap.sh. IIRC, it is important that the .sh files have the Unix line endings.
* c++boost.gif not present in trunk, present in master.
* index.html missing in master.
* Jamfile.v2 and Jamroot.jam not present in trunk, present in master.
* INSTALL missing in master.
* LICENSE_1_0.txt has Unix line endings in trunk, Windows line endings in master.
* project-config.jam missing in master.
* rst.cc missing in master.
* README.txt not present in trunk, present in master.
I'll look into these; thanks. -- Dave Abrahams