On 18/07/2018 14:43, James E. King III via Boost wrote:
I would have opened an "issue" on the boostorg/boostbook project, however, that is not enabled. (Perhaps someone should enable it?)
I have duplicated the boostbook setup scripts into the docker setup environment for Ubuntu Bionic and I have found that all of the packages that boostbook depends on are ancient. PackageVersionLast ModifiedHost docbook-xsl 1.75.2 2009 SourceForge http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/files/docbook-xsl/1.75.2/docbook-xsl...
I always use the latest xsl stylesheets with no trouble, I don't doubt the setup scripts are hopelessly out of date in respect of this.
docbook-xml 4.2 2002 oasis-open.org http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbook-xml-4.2.zip
This one is intentionally fixed at that specific version - newer DTD's are *not* backwards compatible and most emphatically will not work. Note that newer versions of the DTD don't necessarily offer us any gains, though I confess docbook-5 has some nice-to-have features. Also note that we will always be fixed on one specific DTD - that's sort of the nature of the beast.
fop 0.94 2007 Apach http://archive.apache.org/dist/xmlgraphics/fop/binaries/fop-0.94-bin-jdk1.4....
I don't know if it's improved, but FOP was always pretty useless, when I used to build the PDF versions of the boost docs (sorry haven't had time lately, and the build scripts are almost certainly broken by now) I used XEP for that reason. In any case, you can use any FO processor you like here. HTH, John. --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. https://www.avg.com