Rene Rivera wrote:
The set of libraries that have extraneous files/dirs are roughly: algorithm, align, asio, assert, bind, chrono, compatibility, compute, concept_check, config, container, context, conversion, convert, core, crc, date_time, disjoint_sets, dynamic_bitset, endian, filesystem, format, functional, fusion, geometry, gil, heap, interprocess, intrusive, lexical_cast, locale, log, math, move, mpl, multi_index, multiprecision, numeric, phoenix, polygon, predef (yes my own lib, I know), property_tree, proto, python, random, random, regex, serialization, smart_ptr, sort, spirit, statechart, static_assert, test, thread, tokenizer, type_index, type_traits, typeof, units, unordered, utility, uuid, variant, wave, and xpressive.
I don't consider extraneous files/dirs within library directories a problem as they neither confuse tools nor interfere with modularization.