Hi Jens,
Try attribute_proxy::type. It's documented here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_50_0/libs/fusion/doc/html/fusion/notes.html#...
Hi Joel,
Is there a generic way to detect which sort of Adapted struct it is? typename fusion::result_of::at_c
::type::type t; Will probably only work for proxies, which would be fine for my code. Hmmm, well adt_attribute_proxy only happens, erm with proxies. So I guess the more relevant question is, how do you easily detect if at_c or any iterator function returns a proxy(?). Alas, there's no easy way at the moment. It's easy to add one and perhaps that might be a good idea. Please file a ticket and I'll see what I can do.
Ticket created under:
Which brings me to another fusion question/improvement:
ADT structs don't know their member names, which can be fixed with such a construct:
template <> struct struct_member_name