The boost formal review for JSON will take place from Sept 14, 2020 to Sept 23, 2020. JSON is authored by Vinnie Falco (author: boost beast and Static String), Krystian Stasiowski(author: Static String) and submitted with of Peter Dimov(author: Too many libraries to mention 😛) The use of JSON format to share the data is getting bigger and wider because it is lightweight and it's supported cross-platform and many more. JSON has numbers of uses and to make our life easy to deal with it in C++ this library is introduced. Documentation can be found here: http://vinniefalco.github.io/doc/json/ It includes examples, usage and comparison. Documentation is still under progress but still provides enough information. Official repository: https://github.com/CPPAlliance/json Glad to address any questions or issues, here or in the repo: https://github.com/CPPAlliance/json/issues/ The purpose of this announcement is to give people some time to start looking at the documentation and source code for the library. Feel free to begin asking questions. Most of all, get involved! Nowadays most of us(assuming) would have dealt with the JSON in one way or another. Tell the Boost community what you think of JSON. -- Thank you, Pranam Lashkari, https://lpranam.github.io/