1 Mar
1 Mar
11:25 a.m.
"Krzysztof Jusiak" wrote in message news:CALNnLfaCy--cPAeC8vFyXRC1y0pSA2=TzYB0k+9gcc_g_0pzJA@mail.gmail.com...
[...] Totally agree. Personally, I really like cpprefrence and their 'run this code'. My solution is based on the same idea -> http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/sort.
Just for the record: I asked cppreference.com about their experience with their "Run this code" examples. They made their examples interactive because they want to encourage users to add/fix examples. As cppreference.com is a wiki, everything is edited in the browser. If you work in the browser anyway, it makes sense to me if you can test examples in the browser, too. Boris