Hi, I noticed that Regression isn't setup properly as a submodule of modular boost unlike other tools. It isn't present on a list displayed with: git submodule status nor in .gitmodules $ grep 'tools' .gitmodules path = tools/build path = tools/bcp path = tools/inspect path = tools/boostbook path = tools/quickbook path = tools/litre path = tools/auto_index path = tools/boostdep There is a module Regression: https://github.com/boostorg/regression/tree/develop and there is also a non-submodule directory in boostorg: https://github.com/boostorg/boost/tree/develop/tools/regression Unlike the former, the latter seems to be actively developed. I assume that the code should be contributed to the boostorg directly? Is there a reason for this? Regards, Adam