(what about making this constexpr?). That's going to be hard, unless you are happy with making only trivial things (construct, copy) constexpr How come? I looked at the code it seems doable. When I first looked at
On 12/23/17 11:59 PM, Marc Glisse wrote: the code some months ago, it seemed too hard to adapt to my use case. So I made my own specific version. Of course I was wrong and I now I see that my original use case was ill-factored. I do have my own constexpr version, but now it should be about the same as the Boost version. Granted, this might be an ambitious, long and tedious change, but I other than that, I don't see any fundamental obstacle to implementing it. Actually, I would much like to see the documentation improved as well. But by the time we're done, it's really interval2 rather than just a tweak to interval. I've studied the package in some detail. I believe it is well done - but since it was done, I think we have somewhat expectations than we did then. -- Robert Ramey www.rrsd.com (805)569-3793